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Increase in Legal Action Expected to Rise after Recent Multi-Million Dollar Awards Handed Down to Talcum Powder Users
Drone Lawsuits on the Rise

Drone Lawsuits on the Rise

Drone use continues to rise. People are using drones in a variety of different ways, both personally and professionally. For many, drones have made life easier, but this isn’t always the case.

Drones have caused injuries, property damage, and privacy invasions for thousands of people and many are taking legal action against drone companies and the operators and owners of these devices.

Employers that Fail to Notify Employees of COBRA Benefits Could Face Legal Action

Employers that Fail to Notify Employees of COBRA Benefits Could Face Legal Action

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, usually referred to as COBRA, established that companies of a certain size must offer employees and qualifying family members continued health insurance coverage if they lose coverage due to certain events.

For instance, if a person is laid off from his or her job, COBRA benefits must be extended to that individual.

Panel Recommends FDA Evaluate Vaginal Mesh Based on Updated Criteria

Panel Recommends FDA Evaluate Vaginal Mesh Based on Updated Criteria

Vaginal mesh has been causing problems for patients for some time now. Recently, a panel provided the FDA with suggestions for assessing the safety and efficacy of this commonly used medical product.

According to the panel, evaluations of surgical mesh products should focus on several factors. There are only three vaginal mesh products on the market today, including Coloplast’s Restorelle DiretFix Anterior, and Boston Scientific’s Uphold Lite and Xenform.

Uber Drivers Seek Compensation and Reclassification as Employees

Uber Drivers Seek Compensation and Reclassification as Employees

Uber Technologies faces ongoing legal action linked to a number of issues. As a result, the company has been forced to pay millions of dollars in settlements to drivers and consumers.

In January 2017, Uber was ordered to pay $20 million to drivers after the company was accused of misclassifying them as independent contractors and paying them less than they’d promised.

Klumpke’s Palsy and Other Birth Injuries Trigger Legal Action

Klumpke’s Palsy and Other Birth Injuries Trigger Legal Action

Klumpke’s palsy occurs when damage is done to the brachial plexus nerve. This is the nerve that runs through the shoulder and neck and when injured, can cause weakness or paralysis in the hand and/or forearm. These injuries often occur during delivery and birth.

Approximately one out of every 2000 births in the United States include a delivery complication that results in Klumpke’s palsy. Most frequently, the injury connected to Klumpke’s palsy is shoulder dystocia which happens when there is excessive pulling on the head or shoulders.

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